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Budapest@Play 10. Színházi Olimpia - PlayOn! Fesztivál

Budapest@Play 10. Színházi Olimpia - PlayOn! Fesztivál

An interactive Theatre Game with Mixed Realities
language: in English
60 min.
Kolibri Theatre – foyer, outdoor performance

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Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Friday, May 19 2023 5:30PM

To make the city even more liveable, the focus is on citizen participation.
As surveyors, the audience is released into the urban space using a measuring device to collect data. The path to the smart city is the goal: What is the city around me? What role do I play in it? The staging of public space with digital technology reinterprets places, turns the spectator into a player and puts them in Kafkaesque situations. Experience urban space as a stage for virtual theatre. In Budapest@Play, you become the protagonist of an interactive story.

The performance can only be visited individually.

Single-person city tour, lasting approximately 60 minutes per participant. Tickets booked are valid for an hour. One spectator can start the play in every four minutes, so please be prepared for a short wait for your turn. It is advised to wear comfortable clothes and shoes appropriate for the actual weather. The program will not be cancelled in case of light rain.

Author: Robert Griess
Director: Dirk Neldner, Johanna Jäger
Game Design: Sven Ehrentraut
Choreographer: Wagner Moreira
Dramaturge: Kerstin Weiß
Cast: Dr. Klamm: Peter Scollin; Cuci: Rebecca Scott; Barnabas: Robin Merrill; Frieda: Rebecca Kenny; Choir: Harriet Barnard, Charlie Dupré, Leo Auri, Priscilla Bergey; Dance Quartett: Gianmarco Martini Zani, Rodrigo Opaz Castro, Christian Senatore, Simon Wolant; Dance Duet: Emilia Lakic, Christian Senatore; Yoga: Alena Krivileva; Motion Capture Cuci: Camilla Bizzi; Rotpeter: Sebastian Matthias Weissbach; Civil servant: Tom Hantschel; Influencer: Dawn Patricia Robinson; Lady: Judith Shoemaker; Man: Armin Moallem; Traffic light green man: Charlie Dupré; Traffic light red man: Florian Korty; Traffic light yellow man: Priscilla Bergey; Driver (Cartoon): Florian Korty; Mother (Cartoon): Judith Shoemaker; Bycicle courier (Cartoon): Armin Moallem; Parcel carrier (Cartoon): Peter Scollin; E-Cargobike (Cartoon): Judith Shoemaker; Pedestrian (Cartoon): Anja Scollin; Digital Twin: Kirsten Labonte, Julia Rani, Judith Shoemaker

Cooperation partners: Academy for Theatre and Digitality Dortmund | DE:HIVE Institute of HTW Berlin| Expanding Focus GmbH - playground for virtual spaces, Leipzig | PlayOn! – New Storytelling with Immersive Technologies | Tinkertank – An initiative of the Interactive Media Foundation 
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and Kulturstiftung des Bundes within dive_in, Programme for Digital Interactions

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